Such "problems" are NOT unique to the UI, or even typical. I can assure
they occor on many/all campuses, and in the private sector too. To lay the
blame only on the shoulders of "the university" and to portray students as
the only "victims" is wrong.
It is ironic that we are told that students are attracted to the UI because
of our low tuition/fees. Yet, students and others expect us to provide the
variety and level of "free" services that a Harvard or a Stanford provide
at several times the cost.
The UI, and others in the same situation, could very easily "fix" this
"problem" by not providing student labs, computer accounts, help-desk, etc.
Long live the Ostrich!
Nick Sanyal, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Resource Recreation and Tourism
University of Idaho
Moscow Idaho 83844-1139
Fax: 208/885-6226
Phone: 208/885-7528