Joan I'll answer some of your questions...
>If this is true, how do you explain most children in this
>community must go outside the community to find work when they
>graduate from college?
Most children, like myself leave the community because we grew up here and
have the "greener pastures" or the "there's a bigger world than Moscow"
syndrom. Many of them, like myself return to Moscow after experiencing the
"big city". Robb is also an ilistration of this.
> How do you explain all too many families have to work at lower than should
be salaries because the community has not developed the economy enough to
cause competition for better salaries?
A less than 4% unemployment rate in Latah county expalins this pretty well.
>How do you explain the fact that the community cannot support a Youth
>Center, a swim pool and many other facilities that should be available to
the >youth and members of the community?
Priorities of the City Fathers, youth activities have not been a major focus
of any administration in the past 5-10 years.
>How do you explain that many wonderful students who come to UI and would
>love to stay must move on because there is no opportunity available to them
>to stay.
Well, I would say that many of the graduates move on because there are no
jobs in their fields of study here. Really what kinda of job can you get
outside of INEEL with a Chem Engr. degree. Some do stay, some also leave
and come back, some go back to their home community.
>If your world is so wonderful then explain these things to me so my world
can >be just as wonderful!!!!
Moscow is wonderful! We are a small town with two major industries
agriculture and education. That's part of the charm of Moscow. I don't
want an INEEL, nor do I want a Potlatch here.