Re: GBlist: organic food stds.

Re: GBlist: organic food stds.

Marc J. Rosenbaum (Marc.J.Rosenbaum@VALLEY.NET)
19 Feb 98 13:40:55 EST


To: Eileen S. Stommes, Deputy Administrator
Room 4007-So. Ag Stop 0275
PO Box 96456
Washington, DC 20090-6456
Fax number 202-690-4632

Subject: Comments on USDA proposed organic standards

Thank you for soliciting public input on the proposed National Organic
Standards. I am a longtime consumer of organic food and consider it to be
important to my personal health and the health of my family. I have comments
on four issues:

1) Biosolids (Municipal sludge) - Docket #: TMD-94-00-2, Subpart B -
National List: Municipal Sludge

I am opposed to allowing municipal sludge to be applied to farmland certified
as producing organic crops or livestock. The evidence shows that ruminants
grazing on sludged pasture accumulate heavy metals, dioxin, and PCBs in their
organs and milk. In addition, edible crops have been shown to absorb and
accumulate heavy metals. All of these highly toxic substances have no place in
our food supply, let alone in organic food.

2) Genetically Engineered Organisms - Docket #: TMD-94-00-2, Subpart B -
National List: GEOs

I believe that genetically engineered organisms have no place in organic food
and should be prohibited across the board in organic certification. This
should include genetically altered animals, plants, and the products of

3) Livestock Production

Docket #: TMD-94-00-2, Section: 205.13 Livestock feed

I am opposed to certifying livestock as organic which has not been fed entirely
on organic feed and plant material.

Docket #: TMD-94-00-2, Section: 205.14 Livestock health care

I am opposed to the routine use of drugs and antibiotics on certified organic

Docket #: TMD-94-00-2, Section: 205.15 Livestock living conditions and
manure management

I am in favor of a requirement that animals raised as certified organic
livestock should have available space for movement, must not be over-crowded,
and must have periodic access to the outdoors.

4) Ionizing Radiation - Docket #: TMD-94-00-2, Subpart B - Handling,
Ionizing Radiation

I am opposed to the use of ionizing radiation in any way on food products
certified as organic.

Thank you very much.


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