Re: Takings bill (fwd)
Re: Takings bill (fwd)
Bill London (
Sun, 25 Jan 1998 12:19:32 -0800
HB 487--
also, it sounds to me like one way to kill community, the sense that lives
and properties are interwoven and sacrifices are made for the common good.
when individual claims reign supreme, when greed and self-serving choices
can not be challenged by the "us" in our community, the door is open for
more pig farms and gravel pits in residential neighborhoods (not a
joke--those two uses of land in residential neighborhoods in Asotin County
which has no planning or zoning is a sad, but true, reality).
This is a serious issue. I would appreciate more comment and debate on
this legislation--especially more info from the ever-helpful Tom Trail.
>from David Peckham
>On thursday Jan 21, in the Idaho House, HB 487 was introduced, which if
>enacted "provides a claims and arbitration process when local government
>actions affect the value of real property in certain instances" according
>to the summary.
>This sounds to me like an attempt to throw out all land use planning,
>zoning and environmental controls on private property. Read the entire
>bill at
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