Virus Info

Virus Info

Lou Sternberg (
Sun, 25 Jan 1998 11:22:53 -0700

Ron Force wrote:
>Microsoft Word macro viruses can play hob with your Word files, but it can't
>attack the rest of the system.

Not so. Most Word macro viruses just create a nuisance, but there are a few
nasty ones that can hurt your system. Here is a snippet from the McAfee
website about macro-viruses:
"Some dangerous things a Marco Virus can do besides simple spreading coud be
to delete/change document contents, change settings in the Word enroronment,
set a password, delete files, copy a DOS Virus to the user's system or
insert harmful lines into the config.sys or autoexec.bat files."

Ron also wrote:
>There are free virus scanners that should be used on suspicious attachments.

Absolutely! Anyone who uses the Internet should have up-to-date
virus-scanning software.

And Ron wrote:
>Before passing on a warning chain letter, check with the International Computer
>Security Association web site (, or do an internet search using
>Alta Vista or one of the other search engines. Most of these virus
warnings and other chain letter hoaxes just go round and round, again and again.

Agreed. Here is McAffee's webpage describing the common hoaxes that are
circulating (including Join the Crew):

Lou S.

Lou Sternberg, Ph.D. (208)343-0555
5017 Bel Air
Boise ID 83705-2777

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