November 17, 1997 7:30 p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers - 206 East Third Street
1. Consent Agenda: Any item will be removed from the consent agenda at the
request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered
separately later. Approval by roll call vote.
A. Approval of Minutes of November 3, 1997 City Council Meeting
B. Approval of Minutes of November 5, 1997 Special City Council Meeting.
C. Designation of Area of Slum and Blight Relative to Application for an
Idaho Community Development Block Grant - Dale Pernula
The attached resolution defines an area on both sides of U.S. Highway 95 in
the vicinity of the south couplet project as an area of slum and blight
based on deficiencies in water, sewer and streets in the area. This is an
expansion of the area designated from last year's application which
included only the area on the east side of the highway. This designation
is necessary for the preparation of an ICDBG for the purpose of improving
these infrastructure. Reviewed by the Administrative Committee November
10, 1997.
ACTION: Adopt the attached Resolution and authorize appropriate signatures.
D. Extension of Option to Purchase Property East of Mountain View Road -
Randy Rice
The existing option to purchase subject property expires November 30, 1997.
Staff recommends that the option be renewed for an additional twelve
months at a cost of $5,750. Reviewed by the Administrative Committee
November 4, 1997.
ACTION: Authorize staff to notify grantors of the City's intent to extend
option period for up to twelve months. Authorize the expenditure of $5,750
for the extension of the option.
E. Approval of Accounts Payable for the Month of October, 1997 - Jim Wallace
Public Works/Finance Committee reviewed accounts payable for the month of
October, 1997 and recommends approval of the following:
General 429,140.70
Parks & Recreation 88,062.19
Arts 4,227.17
Street 62,280.52
911 12,792.14
Water & Sewer 275,523.73
Sanitation 188,053.43
Parking 9,983.18
LID Bond & Interest 16,926.63
TOTALS $1,086,989.69
F. Agreement for Consulting Services for Swimming Pool Planning - Randy Rice
The attached agreement outlines consultant services in conjunction with the
Swimming Pool Committee's efforts to provide the Council with a recommended
facility by mid-February. The ORB Organization from Renton, Washington has
been selected to assist the committee through the planning process. The
negotiated fee for services is $18,700. Reviewed by the Public
Works/Finance Committee November 17, 1997.
ACTION: Accept the Agreement for architectural services and authorize the
Mayor to sign said agreement.
2. Final Subdivision Plat - Paradise Preserve - Dale Pernula
Paradise Preserve is a proposed 26-lot single-family residential
development located on the east side of U.S. Highway 95, south of Moscow.
Designing of the property from AF to FR along with the preliminary
subdivision plat and preliminary PUD were approved by the City Council
after a public hearing held July 7, 1997 (minutes enclosed). The final
plat and final PUD plan were approved by the Moscow Planning and Zoning
Commission November 12, 1997, subject to the conditions listed on the
attached memorandum.
ACTION: Reject proposed final subdivision plat; or approve final plat for
Paradise Preserve with or without conditions and authorize Mayor's
signature after all conditions have been satisfied.
3. Tree Lawn Ordinance - Randy Fife
This ordinance (tabled from previous meeting) is intended to require
maintenance of the tree lawn areas in the City to be performed by adjacent
property owners (similar to maintenance requirements for sidewalks and
trees within those same areas).
ACTION: Consider ordinance on first reading; adopt ordinance under
suspension of the rules requiring three separate readings and providing
that the ordinance be read by title only, or take other action as the
Council deems advisable.
4. Whitworth Building Discussion - Gary J. Riedner
On October 28, 1997 the Moscow School Board of Trustees rejected the City's
offer to purchase the 1912 Moscow High School/Whitworth Building for
$130,000 cash, as set out in Resolution 97-17. The Board of Trustees,
through Superintendent Jack Hill, has resubmitted their offer to sell the
building for $150,000 cash or in the alternative, would like to meet with
the Council to discuss other possibilities including a land exchange.
ACTION: Accept or reject the School District's offer or set a meeting with
the School District to discuss alternatives, or take such other action
deemed appropriate.
5. Mayor's Appointments
Administrative Committee
Public Works/Finance Committee
Other Boards & Commissions
Gib Myers
City of Moscow 208.883.7015 voice
PO Box 9203 208.883.7018 fax
Moscow, ID 83843