Second, I'd like to re-emphasize the spirit and theme of Alan's
original posting: The Moscow Food Co-op is at a crossroads, financially and in
terms of vision. The question to the community is: what do you see for
the Co-op? Whether you're a member or not, the Moscow Food Co-op enriches
your community on several levels.
The Co-op supports this community in a number of ways: THE source
for organic fruits and vegetable, the only whole-grain bakery in the area,
a supplier of local BGH-free milk, an outlet for local growers and
producers, an educator on better eating and living, a natural foods store
governed by its members. Where else in this town can you get such healthy
food AND have the opportunity to lower your grocery bill by stocking bulk
lentils or helping with a membership drive?
On Thursday, August 14 at 7:00 p.m. (upstairs in the building),
there will be a forum for members of the Moscow Food Co-op. This meeting
will have some structure to it, including a presentation from the BoD
Finance chairperson on the Co-op's finances and ideas on how to strengthen
them, and ideas on discounts and other member benefits. There will also
be discussion on some ideas on the Co-op's future direction. If you want
information, have some ideas, or want to help, show your membership card
at the door and join in the discussion.
Finally, I'd like to thank Alan for bringing this situation to
the Vision2020 forum. He's gotten some criticism for his posting, but the
loss of the Moscow Food Coop (however unlikely it might seem) would have a
very detrimental impact on this community. I, for one, would like to see
the Co-op providing this community with healthy foods and goods beyond the
year _3020_. And, based on the feedback so far, it seems that community
also wants to see the Co-op continue.
Kevin M. Kane, Ph.D.
Department of Chemistry
University of Idaho
Moscow, ID 83844