Re: Surrealistic disbelief (fwd)

Re: Surrealistic disbelief (fwd)

Sam Scripter (
Mon, 19 May 1997 09:03:04 -0700 (PDT)

Monday morning, 5-19-97

Bill London kindly confirmed that I did not send mine, below, to the list,
but only to him. So even though three days later, now, her it is.

Sam Scripter
---------------------------------------------------- ;-) (Sam M W Scripter)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 19 May 1997 07:33:28 -0700 (PDT)
From: Bill London <>
To: "Sam Scripter (MoscowSam)" <>
Subject: Re: Surrealistic disbelief

I also find the entire affair bizarre, especially the police
handling of it. That aspect has given rise to a town meeting to be
sponsored by Moscow Vision 2020 on May 27. MOre on that in posting to
list--please watch and help/volunteer to make that meeting work.
When Fritz was in height of his rage and trauma, he did say that
the lesson for him was to carry a gun. That sucks. The whole affair
But, after the Daily News story on the front page (Friday?), all
the info came out. But it was Fritz diatribe on the 2020 list that got
the info ball rolling. There is an amazing power to this list. Moscow
city people as well as reporters took the story off the list.
To help transfer some of that power back to the traditioinal news
organs, remember that Trahant welcomes 2020 messages as letters to the
editor (cc to
And please volunteer to make our 2020 forum work on 5/27 --BL

On Fri, 16 May 1997, Sam Scripter (MoscowSam) wrote:

> Friday, 5-16-97 @10:51, Left-coast time
> Yesterday morning as I first checked my email, I sat enthralled at Fritz
> Knorr's engaging account. As his tale unfolded, I was increasingly in a
> state of disbelief.
> Was this the surrealistic imaginings of a copiously flowing pen? It
> surely wasn't April 1.
> Then I became angry as I marvelled: This is Moscow, IDAHO!!!
> I'm beginning to see why some folks believe in carrying concealed hand
> guns. Tennis raquets are inadequate weapons for self defense.
> This is scary!
> But now I have a question: Why did I not see anything in the
> Moscow/Pullman Daily News last night, or, did I just overlook it?
> Even this morning's piece in the "Trib" gave no details about the
> altercation, itself. Surely that is NEWS, isn't it, for our fair town?
> So can someone on this list tell me how DAILY newspapers work?
> What is newsworthy? I really am puzzled. We know more on this list than
> the "public".
> Does one have to be an internet list subscriber to be "in the know"?
> What don't I understand? Someone please set me straight.
> MoscowSam
> ----------------------------------------------------
> ;-) (Sam M W Scripter)
> MoscowSam/GeoSam/PiperSam/RiderSam/SamTheHam/SamIam!
> ----------------------------------------------------

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