Co. Planning Comm. sends new ordinance to full Commission

Co. Planning Comm. sends new ordinance to full Commission

Priscilla Salant (
Thu, 1 May 1997 06:48:15 -0700

At a public hearing last night, the Latah County Planning Commission heard
testimony on their new proposed land ordinance. The ordinance, which would
replace the current "1 per 40" rule, is expected to significantly restrict
development in the county. It allows relatively limited splits of existing
parcels and, to some extent, forces the splits on to less productive land.

For the Planning Commissioners, the ordinance considered last night was the
2nd try at coming up with a replacement for "1 per 40." Their previous
proposal, presented to the public in February and March, bit the dust at
the last public hearing. Then, people argued against the Commissioners'
efforts to allow more growth in a so-called rural zone.

Some 70 people attended the hearing last night. Several determined
citizens stood in the hallway because there wasn't enough space inside.
Most of those who spoke favored the restrictive aspects of the proposed
ordinance. Almost all of the speakers live outside Moscow.

After taking testimony last night, the Planning Commissioners' voted to
send the proposed ordinance to the full Board of County Commissioners for
their consideration. They based their decision on the balance of public
comments, which they believed was in favor of more restricted growth

Stay tuned. It isn't over yet.

-P Salant

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