Jon Marvel
Tuesday, April 15
West 4th - Moscow Hotel - "south" (nonsmoking) room
9:00 am - 10:00 am
I spoke with Jon Marvel this morning. He will meet with us at 9:00 a.m.
Tuesday April 15th at the West 4th in the Moscow Hotel for a coffee chat
wrt sb construction. He'll bring some photos of his sb work also. For
those who don't know - Jon is a Hailey architect that also spearheads the
Idaho Watersheds Project about which he will be speaking on Wed. eve. 7:00
at the Law School Courtroom. This informal opportunity to discuss straw
bale construction is not connected to the lecture topic in any way.
I apologize to those that are 9 to 5, but you can always tell your boss
that you must take an hour to attend to a last-minute IRS emergency!
Straw Bale and Recycled Building Open House
Stookey's Feed and Garden
Moscow, Idaho
Saturday, April 19
10 am 'til about 3 pm
I will be hosting another "open house" at Stookey's Feed and Garden
(between Rosauers and the Recycling Center). My straw bale and recycled
materials building at Stookey's is nearing completion...(I know I keep
saying this) I will fire up the mixer and if you're interested in
applying some cement stucco to the bales, this is your chance. There will
be pizza and pop compliments of the Moscow Recycling Center and free
resource packages available that discuss the building and some of the
materials. Questions? call me at 883-1446.
Kurt Rathmann
Graduate Student
Dept. of Architecture