steering committee report

steering committee report

Bill London (
Wed, 12 Mar 1997 09:44:49 -0800 (PST)

Moscow Vision 2020 does have a functioning steering committee. We meet
monthly for cookies and conversation. (Priscilla Salant, Susan Palmer,
and Bill London are the steering committee).
At our last committee meeting, we focused on ways in which we
could help this email list grow, in function and in membership.
In general, we were very pleased by the uses subscribers were
making of this list already. For example:
--with Tom Trail's efforts, we can comment directly to at least
one Idaho legislator by posting to this list. Tom has also used the list
to respond to generalized requests for information and support. The
steering committee welcomes this function for the list--a two-way conduit
between constituents and legislator. Thanks Tom.
--because several reporters from several newspapers (as well as
the Daily News editor) subscribe, the list provides us with a way to give
ideas/tips/suggestions for stories to media, as well as provide a
community conversation for the reporters to listen to and use as a guide
to community opinion.
--between interested individuals, the list offers a way to
communicate concerns, ideas, new issues, and responses to posted comments
to build a sense of community and offer vehicles for community action (our
original intention). Ideas posted and discussed on this list have
certainly risen in visibilty locally as a result of the discussion. Our
goal of increased public participation in planning decisions, while not
easily accomplished, is helped by having this list continue the
conversation. The list also provides a method for maintaining contact with
Moscow for several former residents who now live elsewhere--plus a way
for subscribers who are members of other groups to post reminders of
events and encourage attendance.
These three functions for this list are not all this list does.
We invite you to post your comments on this. What purpose do you
see for the 2020 list--now and in the future?
Another purpose for the list is the dissemination of legal
notices, announcements, news releases, etc from government agencies to the
public (or at least this portion of the interested public). This purpose
is one that has not been realized. To see how that could become reality,
I spoke with representatives of both the city and county. I will post
their responses separately.
So, tune in to the next broadcast. And please comment on what you
have just read.

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