Over 35 residents attended last night's town meeting in Deary to hear
about and comment on the proposed rural residential zoning ordinance. The
same format took place here as in Potlatch, with Suvia Judd articulating
the details of the proposal with hypothetical illustrations, and Gerard
Billington demonstrating the effect on the Moscow/Troy corridor.
The early remarks expressed resistance to any governmental regulation of
private property, and a dissatifaction about the effects on large
landowners who would typically have fewer splits than they currently are
allowed, compared to the relatively greater splits for smaller landowners.
Some renounced the impact on local families (e.g., a family with 4
children who would like to pass on the land equally to each, but the
ordinance might allow 0-3 splits). A local lawyer address the town meeting
participants at some length with his interpretation of the proposed
ordinance as unconstitutional as a violation of the fifth amendment.
Rather than rallying support, his address appeared to provoke others with
differing views who expressed that the proposal appeared to be an
improvement over the existing 40-acre rule. There were questions about
surveying requirements for finance purposes, the lack of criteria in the
proposal regarding water issues and slopes, as well as roadbuilding and
In addition to the 35 adults were several children who fell into deep
sleeps on their fathers' shoulders or else were so fatigued that they were
unable to resist a full flood of tears. One father announced as he exited
with his crying son, "He doesn't like it!"
Between 8:00 and 9:00 p.m. small patches of participants dispersed so that
by the time a straw poll was taken, a mere 30% of the original audience
remained, and only 6 cared to "vote." The outcome in Deary was:
Strong improvement 1
Mild improvement 4
No change 1
Step backwards 0
It was a very lively and animated town meeting. Despite the differing
points of view regarding the proposed ordinance, the single point of
consensus was that they were deeply appreciative of the process--the
willingness of the planning commission to visit the outlying townships and
genuinely listen to the citizens in a town meeting format.
Tonight is the last of the scheduled town meetings. It will take place at
7:00 p.m. in the County Courthouse, room 2-B.
I strongly urge everyone to attend. Even if you have no particular
viewpoint, there is no better opportunity to learn the details of the
proposal. I think that those who adamently oppose the proposed
ordinance would agree that the planning commission has done a stellar job
in its educational and informational role.
| Susan Palmer Phone: 208-885-6616 |
| Education Programming FAX: 208-885-9494 |
| Coordinator e-mail:susanp@uidaho.edu |
| Women's Center |
| University of Idaho "People convinced against |
| Moscow, Idaho 83844-1064 their will, hold the same |
| opinion still. |