Re: your mail

Re: your mail

Susan Palmer (
Mon, 27 Jan 1997 10:37:37 -0800 (PST)


I'd like to thank Wendy for her thoughtful contribution to the discussion
of the proposed Cameron development south of town.

This weekend I read a Daily News article about planning and growth in
Whitman County, and their re-evaluation of previous policies. The most
notable issue was that the Whitman County policy has made the
preservation of agricultural land the most salient concern, thus
containing population growth within the city. The question is whether
it continues to be the best strategy in the future. The
article reported that there would be an INTERGOVERNMENTAL committee set up
representing both the county and the city to review long-term planning and
growth issues.

Although I expect an imminent decision will be required in the Cameron
case (and I largely agree with Wendy McClure at this point), there are
these gray areas of city-county overlap which invite clear and regular
exchanges between both city and county P&Zs, as well as commissioners and
council members alike. Any chance Moscow and Latah County could pursue an
intergovernmental effort to coordinate long-term growth and planning?

Finally, be alert for the details of the forthcoming town meetings that
County Planning will schedule in the next couple of week's to evaluate the
planning commission's proposed rural residential policy.


| Susan Palmer Phone: 208-885-6616 |
| Education Programming FAX: 208-885-9494 |
| Coordinator |
| Women's Center |
| University of Idaho "People convinced against |
| Moscow, Idaho 83844-1064 their will, hold the same |
| opinion still. |

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