Visionaries ...
Campaigned in the SUB Ballroom, this last evening, a few hours ago.
Outdoor/ski gear swap-sell event. Mostly students; a few faculty members.
Last couple hours spent converting my MS Publisher "Scripter on the Issues"
statement to web viewable, and moving them to my off-campus (thereby
"legal") web page site:
Not to much finesse on these, yet. My 17" screen is set to 1280 x 1024.
Even at that resolution, I have to pan vertically to see the complete images.
If you are browsing at 640 x 480 pixels, then you'll have to pan
horizontally, as well.
Time for sleep!!!
Then vote @ 0800.
MoscowSam/GeoSam/PiperSam/RiderSam/RunnerSam/SamTheHam/SamIam ;-) (Sam M W Scripter)