(Fwd) (Fwd) Rural/Urban Policy-makers Conference announcement

(Fwd) (Fwd) Rural/Urban Policy-makers Conference announcement

Steve Cooke (
Fri, 1 Nov 1996 12:23:52 PST8PDT

Dear Visionaries,
Steve Cooke

From: Bradley Lubben <>
Subject: Rural/Urban Policy-makers Conference announcement

I would like to announce a conference on rural/urban issues upcoming in
Illinois next month.

As a capstone to three years of local policy programming on issues related
to exurban deveopment in the Chicago metropolitan region, the University of
Illinois Cooperative Extension Service will be hosting a policy-makers
conference for local policy-makers and public officials, community and
business leaders, and individual citizens and organizations involved in the
policy development process.

The Rural/Urban Policy Series Policy-makers Conference will be held on
November 26 from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on the campus of Waubonsee Community
College in Sugar Grove, Illinois on the fringe of the Chicago metropolitan
region. As the capstone to a series of local meetings, the conference will
build on citizen-defined issues and priorities to provide a discussion and
analysis of three important themes of issues related to exurban development.

After a keynote presentation on the new relevance of state and region in
today's world by Neal Peirce, a columnist with the Washington Post Writers
Group, three concurrent sessions will focuse on the critical themes. Dr.
Fred Giertz of the University of Illinois Institute for Goverment and Public
Affairs will provide insight into critical issues of public finance,
taxation, and economic development in the FISC, the fiscal impact of
development. In the GEO, or the geographical impact of development, Dr.
Larry Libby of the University of Florida will lead a discussion of various
issues surrounding land use, planning, and property rights. In the social
impact session, or the SOC, Dr. John van Es will describe the relevance of
"social capital" in building a sense of community.

The $50 registration fee includes all conference materials, plus a meal and
a copy of the official conference proceedings, to be published after the
conference. A copy of the agenda and the registration form follows. I invite
your participation as well as your efforts to pass on this information to
individuals you know that would find this conference of interest and of value.


Brad Lubben
Extension Educator
University of Illinois Cooperative Extension Service
305 Mumford Hall
1301 W Gregory Drive
Urbana, IL 61801
Ph: 217.333.5519



2:00 p Opening Session

Welcome and Introductions:
Nann Armstrong, Illinois Cooperative
Extension Service (ICES)

Keynote Presentation:
Neal Peirce, Washington Post Writers Group

Policy Development Process:
Errol Burns, ICES

Rural/Urban Issues:
Brad Lubben, ICES

3:50 p Concurrent Sessions

Presenter: Fred Giertz, University of Illinois
Institute for Government and Public Affairs
Facilitator: Jeri Marxman, ICES

Presenter: Larry Libbey, University of
Facilitator: Errol Burns

Presenter: John van Es, University of Illinois
Facilitator: Donna Mann, ICES

6:00 p Dinner

7:00 p Closing Session

Moderator: Brad Lubben

Concurrent Session Reports

Reaction Panel:
Neal Peirce
Fred Giertz
Larry Libbey
John van Es

Closing Comments: Brad Lubben

8:00 p Adjourn

************ CONFERENCE REGISTRATION ************

Name ___________________________________________

Organization ___________________________________

Address ________________________________________


City ___________________________________________

State ______________ ZIP ______________________

Phone __________________________________________

E-mail _________________________________________

Conference registration fee of $50 is payable to the "University of
Illinois" and can be returned with registration form to:

Brad Lubben
University of Illinois
305 Mumford Hall
1301 W Gregory Dr
Urbana, IL 61801

For any questions, please call 217.333.5519 or send e-mail to

Associate Professor
Dept. of Ag. Economics & Rural Soc.
University of Idaho
Moscow, ID 83843
208-885-7170 (phone)
208-885-5759 (fax)

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