This message was forwarded by Kenton. Some of you
might be interested in this internet list. If not, you know where
the delete key is.
> Welcome to SPJ-L
> A computerized resource of
> The Society of Professional Journalists
> SPJ-L is a mailing list created as an information
>resource for journalists by the Society of Professional Journalists.
>Discuss issues, share tips, communicate with headquarters and national
>leaders, find out about SPJ news, or whatever. Make it fun and useful.
> This is an unmoderated, open list. Abusive posters,
>however, may be unsubscribed by the list owner.
>Some Helpful Suggestions:
> While this is a discussion list, when you are replying, you might
>consider whether to post to the list or just to the original poster. (Most
>mailers, such as the popular Pine program, let you chose. Users of Eudora
>and some other mailers might have to cut and paste the original poster's
>address to send them private email.)
> One person came up with this analogy about pirvate e-mail on
>public lists ...
> "Sending to list instead of a personal reply makes me feel I'm
>overhearing someone's cellular phone conversation. It's almost
> What should be your guide? If you don't think your answer
>would be of benefit to many others on the list, send it as private email.
>Both the recipient (it'll get there much faster) and the other subscribers
>will be appreciative.
> While discussion is fine, remember that "the last word"
>doesn't "win." Also, if you find yourself in a roaring argument with one
>other person, consider taking it to private email.
> Flames: When you finish typing that hot/tart retort, take a
>deep breath, look at it for a moment and spike it.
> Sign Your Posts: We'd like to know who we're talking to.
> Vacations: You can send a SET SPJ-L NOMAIL command to
> When you come back, send a SET SPJ-L MAIL to
>start getting mail from the list again.
> Unsubscribing: To unsubscribe, send a note to
> and in the body, put ...
> Signoff SPJ-L
> I need help: Send a note to
> How big is this list? There are around 750 subscribers from
>over 20 countries. There is a lot of turnover in subscribers, but
>the toal number has been steadily on the rise since the list was launched
>in April 1994.
>Other Interesting Stuff Here:
> Check out SPJ's ftp directory for SPJ files and other
>information of use to journalists. These URL addresses will let you access
>these files with a World Wide Web broswer such as Mosaic, Lynx, Netscape
>or Cello. The SPJ ftp directory URL is:
> (Netcom's ftp server is often jammed with the maximum
>number of users. Keep trying; you'll eventually get through. The best
>times to get through are early in the morning if you are in North
> The URL for some general SPJ information is:
> The URL for the table of contents and some articles from
>The Quill is:
> This mailing list and the ftp site are projects of SPJ's
>New Information Technologies Committee. Comments and suggestions are
> Special thanks to the Internet Multicasting Service for providing
>space on its Web server for the SPJ Web pages.
> -- Jack Lail,
> Committee Chair
> April 30, 1995
Greg Brown (
Asst. Professor, Dept. of Forestry
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL 62901
(618) 453-7465