Re: Community-Based Policing Forum scheduled for 10/22

Re: Community-Based Policing Forum scheduled for 10/22

Bill London (
Thu, 17 Oct 1996 06:50:54 -0700 (PDT)

I like Crouch's idea of upgrading the minimum requirement for sheriff.
Now anyone over 21 who lived in county for a year can run. that's just
not good enough. It's too much of a baby-kissing contest already. Crouch
says the minimum (as I recall) should be an Idaho cop certificate. That's
not too much to ask, given the chance for a sheriff to become a huge
liability for the county very quickly (as Latah County has recently

On Wed, 16 Oct 1996, John Teeter wrote:

> would be interesting to hear some of the views of v2020 folks on the
> sherrif's race. We've seen a pretty broad range of capabilities from
> the holders of this office; and seen the effects, both possitive and
> negative, of personality, style, and comopetence.
> My own opine is that I like having the sherrif elected rather than
> appointed, and would prefer an honest, capable local over a highly
> trained professional that's not from the community. It seems to me that
> the enforcement of laws is a fine art which must be in-tune with the
> attitudes and seniments of the community. There are a large number of
> areas in which discression of the officer plays a roll, and people whose
> backgrounds are from urban/suburban areas may not feel the pulse of
> our communities as well as those who have been here forever. This is,
> in my mind, especially true of the top dude. I'd rather have a compentent
> local running the show than a highly skilled NYPD type.
> I often wonder why we have so many people at the sherrif's office (its like
> a payroll of 56 or 60 people?). It seems alot, but then I don't know what
> they all do. Are their comparisons of personnel-to-county-population around
> which might allow us to gage this?
> till later,
> johnt
> ================================================================
> >>>>> "Bill" == Bill London <> writes:
> > With all the interest now focused on the sheriff race, and with
> > no incumbent running, this may be the time for the public to get
> > ...

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