My own opine is that I like having the sherrif elected rather than
appointed, and would prefer an honest, capable local over a highly
trained professional that's not from the community. It seems to me that
the enforcement of laws is a fine art which must be in-tune with the
attitudes and seniments of the community. There are a large number of
areas in which discression of the officer plays a roll, and people whose
backgrounds are from urban/suburban areas may not feel the pulse of
our communities as well as those who have been here forever. This is,
in my mind, especially true of the top dude. I'd rather have a compentent
local running the show than a highly skilled NYPD type.
I often wonder why we have so many people at the sherrif's office (its like
a payroll of 56 or 60 people?). It seems alot, but then I don't know what
they all do. Are their comparisons of personnel-to-county-population around
which might allow us to gage this?
till later,
>>>>> "Bill" == Bill London <> writes:
> With all the interest now focused on the sheriff race, and with
> no incumbent running, this may be the time for the public to get
> ...