(Fwd) Sustainable Community Indicators Website

(Fwd) Sustainable Community Indicators Website

Steve Cooke (
Wed, 28 Aug 1996 13:33:26 PST8PDT

Dear Visionaries,
Steve Cooke

------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
From: "Steven C. Deller" <DELLER@AAE.WISC.EDU>
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 1996 13:22:05 -0500
Subject: Sustainable Community Indicators Website
Priority: normal

CENETERS: Thought the below might be of interest to some of you.

>To: Multiple recipients of list RURALDEV <RURALDEV@KSUVM.BITNET>
> I thought this would be of interest to people on this list. I apologize in
>advance for any cross postings received.
>After much prompting by a number of people, I have finally put The Guide to
>Sustainable Community Indicators
>on to the web (with a lot of help from my friend). It can be found at:
>The website is intended to be a place to go for ideas on sustainable
>community indicators: what they are, why to use them, what indicators people
>are actually using, what makes an indicators a good one. The goal is to
>educate and to inspire. The more people see what indicators are being
>used, the more creative they can become in developing even better indicators.
>Although the website does not include the entire document, it does have most
>of it. It also includes all 400 indicatators listed in the appendix that
>are currently being used by communities in North America.
>The site was designed for the volunteers and community members who are
>working on issues of sustainability and developing indicators for their
>communities. Although 'experts' will undoubtedly be interested, it is
>intended to be a source for the general public.
>This website is not intended to be static. I have many ideas of how to make
>it even better. Please let me know what you think and any improvements you
>can suggest. I am particularly interested in comments on its useability and
>understandability for the non-expert. Feel free to:
> pass the word on to other people who might be interested,
> mention it on lists that you are aware of,
> suggest places that I should announce it, and
> add links to it from your own web site
>I am particularly interested in hearing about communities that have
>developed indicators that would like to share them with the world by adding
>them to the list that I already have.
>I would appreciate knowing where the website does get mentioned or linked
>up. Thanks for all your helpful comments on the guide in the past and for
>future suggestions on the website.
>Maureen Hart (508) 975-1988
> P.O. Box 361, North Andover, MA 01845

* Steven C. Deller 608-263-6251 *
* Associate Professor and 608-262-4376 (fax) *
* Community Development Economist *
* Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics *
* Taylor Hall -- 427 Lorch St. *
* University of Wisconsin-Madison GO BADGERS!!! *
* Madison, WI 53706 *

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