Re: women on boards & commissions

Re: women on boards & commissions

Lois Melina (
Mon, 4 Mar 1996 11:26:33 -0800

I greatly admire the women I know who are serving on boards and commissions
in Moscow and Latah County, but frankly, I don't know how they manage it.
Despite many sensitive husbands who do a great deal of child care/home
management, women who have families and work outside the home don't have a
lot of time for volunteer work. The 25 to 33 % participation by women noted
in the survey might not be too bad. If you want more, you would probably need:

1. more decent take-out restaurants, e.g. Pasta etc.
2. evening drop in day care
3. more flexi-time jobs
4. lowering the driving age to 12
5. more hours in the day


At 11:31 AM 2/29/96 PST, Kenton wrote:
>Monday's Daily News reports the result of surveys by the Moscow League
>of Women and Voters on the numbers of women (or lack thereof) on
>advisory boards and commissions in Moscow and Latah County.
>Women hold 22 of 76 positions on Moscow boards and 44 of 170 positions
>on Latah County boards.
>Does anyone have any explanations for this phenomenon? And any
>suggested remedies?

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