Re: GTE meeting (fwd)

Re: GTE meeting (fwd)

Cross Bert (
Thu, 8 Feb 1996 14:18:18 -0800 (PST)

On Thu, 8 Feb 1996, Bill London wrote:

> I assume the flooding stories took precedence over the GTE rate
> increase meeting story for the Tribune. But for whatever reason, I
> didn't get a chance to read about the meeting this morning.
> What happened? Can anybody fill us all in? BL
After Kenton left, two people from outside Moscow spoke, one from Bovill
and the other I believe from Potlatch, who were quite resentful of some
of the Moscow users who had testified. The essence of their comments
were to the effect that Pullman means more to them than do the poeple who
live outside of Moscow in the county. They wanted the same toll-free
calling that people in Moscow have. I think they had a point. It was my
feeling that the commission was leaning toward expanding the toll-free
calling zone to include the outer areas, with options, but the toll-free
calling to Pullman would be retained with an increase in costs, but not
as much as GTE might want. Bert Cross

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