Re: Vote Tuesday for Mountain View
Re: Vote Tuesday for Mountain View
Lori Sodorff (
Mon, 5 Feb 1996 11:51:51 -0800 (PST)
I am curious as to what happens to the funding if there is a no vote. I
understand that it will be put back into the budget and doled (no pun
intended) somewhere else in the state. What I really want to know is if
there is a no vote when again would it be possible to aquire these monies
again, if ever. I want to vote ;yes for this project, I'm just not
convinced that this is the best plan for the future. As far as the desing
and the budget go. I am not convinced that the project couldn't somehow
be put to a better use on the same project. i.e. budget --> completed
project. I am not sure I have made my concern clear, but that is not the
point. I just need to know about the above question so that I can vote.
If the money is going to be lost indefinately or permanently then I will
vote yes, however; if the money will only be lost for a short time then
my vote will be no.
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