Steve Busch, the owner of Bush Distributors (Chevron dealer) , plans to
ask the City Council to remove covenants on property on south Main
between Lauder and Taylor that have prevented him from building a
gas station-convenience store-car wash on the site.
The council lifted all coveneants except one -- that there must be a
traffic light at the Styner/Lauder intersection before a gas station
could be built there. Marshall Comstock, council member, says he is
now willing to remove that requirement... no indication of how other
council members feel.
Suvia is opposed to any high-volume commercial development on that site,
especially if it includes a curb cut on Main, unless a stop light is
installed first. She urges readers of this list to contact council members
and express opposition to lifting the convenants.
The Daily News had a story on the back page of Tuesday, Jan. 16, issue.
Suvia can provide more information ... call her at 882-4785.