business park public meetings scheduled--please come, please , publicize

business park public meetings scheduled--please come, please , publicize

Bill London (
Fri, 12 Jan 1996 07:31:37 -0800 (PST)

CONTACT: Priscilla Salant 882-0527


Three public meetings, co-sponsored by Moscow Vision 2020 and the
Moscow-Latah Economic Development Council (EDC), will focus on answering
questions about the need for, and the financing of, the proposed business
park in Moscow. The meetings will be held at noon on successive
Thursdays, January 18, January 25, and February 1, at the conference room
of the business incubator at 121 Sweet Avenue in Moscow, announced
Priscilla Salant, Vision 2020 spokesperson.
EDC plans for building a business park in Moscow have been
underway for several years. The EDC's most recent plan, utilizing
Moscow's newly-created Urban Renewal Agency and tax allocation financing
to pay for the park's streets and utilities, has raised questions in the
Mosccow community about the wisdom of using tax money to help private
business interests, Salant said.
The January 18 session will define the demand for the business
park with a panel of present business incubator tenants. Growing
companies at the incubator have been cited as the likely future tenants
of the business park, but this will be the first opportunity for the
public to discuss this subject with the incubator businesses, Salant noted.
At the January 25 session, a panel of EDC members will discuss
the history of the EDC, the role of the University of Idaho, and the EDC
plans for a business park.
The February 1 session will focus on an assessment of business
parks nationwide and reasons for their success or failure, as well as the
specific financing options available in Moscow.
This series of three meetings, entitled Public Partnership,
Private Business, was created to answer questions raised at an earlier
public meeting about the business park, held on November 5, 1995, and
sponsored by Moscow Vision 2020, Salant added.
Moscow Vision 2020 is a local citizen's group founded in July of
1993 to promote creative thinking about Moscow's future and to encourage
public involvement in local planning issues. More information about the
organization and the business park series is available from Priscilla
Salant at 882-0527.

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