- Election of officers.
- Public Hearing - 7:30pm. Application for preliminary planned unit
development review for a temporary development on a seven acre parcel of
land located on US highway 95 by Donna and Allen Bowles. (The proposal is
to add two temporary mobile homes to a 7 acre property which currently
contains two single-family dwellings in an existing Suburban Residential
(SR) zone. The property is located on the east side of US 95, approximately
1/3 mile north of the city limits, in the Area of City Impact. )
- Public Hearing - 8:15pm. Application for Zone Change from R-4 to RO for a
parcel of land located on the Northeast Corner of Troy Highway and Logan
Street by William Cash. (The existing use of the property by Animal Clinic
and Hospital is a grandfathered nonconforming use under the present R-4
residential zone.)
- Proposed Amendments to the RV park ordinance. (Existing standards may
need to be revised, staff will present proposed revisions.)
- Comprehensive Plan Update. (If we have remaining time and energy.)
Joel Hamilton, Member
Moscow P&Z Commission