Re: property tax meeting today

Re: property tax meeting today

Kenton (90142419@WSUVM1.CSC.WSU.EDU)
Wed, 13 Dec 95 14:25:56 PST

Here is a summary of Tuesday's tax meeting. Geoff Fattah from the Daily
News was there, so look for an article in Wednesday's Daily News.
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
About 20 people attended a meeting of Latah Citizens for Fair Taxation
at the courthouse on Tuesday afternoon. Here are the highlights:
1. Steve Cooke presented a package of improvements in the state's tax
system, including extending the sales tax to services, a "revenue sharing"
program for the state to return money to cities and counties, and allowing
cities and counties to charge impact fees (so that current residents aren't
forced to subsidize off-site improvements for new development).
2. Werner Brammer of Kendrick argued that the property tax is inherently unfair because it taxes "debt and adversity," and that an increase in the
income tax would be fairer because it would tax those best able to pay.
3. Werner also proposed that taxes for special districts -- library, fire,
cemetery, etc. -- be on a per-household basis, rather than the total value
of the property. (He argues that there should be parity between services
provided and the amount of tax.)
4. Nona Robinson, the county treasurer, pointed out the difficulty in
administering such a system.
5. Steve said that surveys have shown that the property tax is most
objectionable, the income tax next most objectionable, and the sales tax
least objectionable -- because there is some discretion in spending, and
thus discretion in paying the tax.
6. Nona agreed to get copies of tax legisation that is "pre filed" before
the legislative session begins.
7. The group will meet again Thursday, Jan. 11, at 4 p.m. to look over
those bills and identify any worthy of endorsement or further study.

Ron Rankin called me last night and offered to come to explain his new
version of the One Percent Initiative, for which he is circulating
petitions. Would there be any interest in hearing him if we were to set
up a speaking date in Moscow?

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