What should children learn?

What should children learn?

Ron Force (
Mon, 4 Dec 1995 15:10:11 -800

Since there's been no postings here, I'll start it out by mentioning
a stimulating article in the December 1995 Atlantic Monthly by Paul
Gagnon, Senior Research Associate at the School of Education, boston
University (title above).

He states: "Starting school reform by first deciding what every
child should learn strikes most people as only common sense. But to
many American educators, it spells revolutionary change. The
standards strategy for school reform would give subject-matter
teachers and scholars, and the educated public, unprecedented power
to spur genuine change--change far deeper than questions of school
choice, methods, or management."

He goes on to give his opinion why the U.S. Dept. of Education's
national standards project failed, and how the ball has been passed
to the states and local school boards.

For those of you who don't subscribe, or can't get to either of the
libraries, a copy of the article is on the World Wide Web at

Ron Force
Dean of Library Services (208)885-6534
University Of Idaho fax: (208) 885-6817
Moscow, ID 83844-2371

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