In the short term I would like to see documents posted here. Over the long
term however, I would like to see local municipalities develop web sites
that resemble a scaled down Thomas site that Congress uses to post
I understand that you are suggesting questions for the survey, but I
couldn't wait to answer.
You wrote:
> I would like to see some questions addressing whether or not this
>list is a useful place for posting things like draft documents from city and
>county P&Z. As you know, some Moscow P&Z documents have been posted on the
>list, and there has been some very useful discussion. On the other hand
>there has been less discussion than I had hoped.
> Is this posting and discussion of such draft documents useful? Is
>there a better way to do it (perhaps the format of a WWW site would work
>better than the format of a mail list for purposes of disseminating this
>kind of material -- if we could get the city to commit to keeping it up to
> What other kinds of things related to the planning process in the
>region should be useful if posted either on the mail-list or on a WWW site?
>Joel Hamilton, Member
>Moscow P&Z Commission