Date: Wed, 11 Oct 95 15:57:56 EST
>To: Stephen Lyons <>
>Subject: Re:
>Dear Stephen:
>Thank you for contacting me about oil exploration and development of the Arctic
>National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). I appreciate knowing of your concern.
>Provisions to open a portion of ANWR for oil exploration and development are
>included in both the House and Senate versions of the rescission bill, though
>Senate language is more restrictive. Neither the House nor Senate have voted
>the measure, yet.
>Congress passed, and former President Bush signed into law, the National Energy
>Policy Act, which promotes the research and development of alternative energy
>sources, including solar, wind, and geothermal. Even so, no other source of
>energy can fill the role of oil at this time.
>In many ways, oil has greatly benefitted our lives. Advanced health care
>services and sophisticated transportation systems are a few examples of our
>of oil. Unless we want our progress to slacken, we cannot suddenly cut off, or
>even significantly reduce our oil supplies. Neither can we depend still more
>heavily on the resources of foreign countries. Thus, I hesitate to completely
>rule out the possible exploration and development of ANWR in the future.
>Again, thank you for contacting me. Please let me know if you have any further
>questions or comments.
>Larry E Craig
>United States Senator