Dan Kemmis here Thursday

Dan Kemmis here Thursday

Kenton Bird (
Wed, 27 Sep 95 16:30:10 PDT

Missoula Mayor Daniel Kemmis will speak in Pullman Thursday (Sept. 28)
about ways that towns and cities can encourage and enhance their sense
of community. His free public address will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the
Gladish Auditorium, NW 115 State.

Transportation from Moscow is available by calling Link Transportation.

Kemmis' visit is part of the "Tale of Two Cities" series sponsored by
the Moscow and Pullman public libraries, and the UI's Community Enrichment

He is the author of "The Good City and the Good Life: Renewing the Sense
of Community." Copies of the book will be available after his talk at
a book-signing reception in the auditorium foyer, sponsored by Bookpeople.

Kemmis will also speak to classes at the UI and WSU, and meet with city
officials during his 3-day visit to the Palouse. On Friday evening, he
will be the guest of honor at a reception sponsored by Palouse-Clearwater
Environmental Institute. For more information, call PCEI at 882-1444.

Subscribers to this list will be interested in knowing that Dan's book
begins with a description of the Missoula Farmers' Market and how it
contributes to a sense of community. (Dan will be at the Moscow
Farmers' Market on Saturday morning to see how it compares.)

He also describes in the book a computer network in Missoula where
participants talk about local issues -- sounds familiar, doesn't it?

His talk promises to be a mix of political philosophy and practical
advice about how citizens can get involved in shaping the future of
their communities. Don't miss it!

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