Newspapers and the Community

Newspapers and the Community

Cross Bert (
Wed, 27 Sep 1995 08:20:37 -0700 (PDT)

The point that can be inferred from my piece on newspapers (and one which
I do) is that the people of Moscow and Pullman deserve a better newspaper
than they are getting. Most of us would drop our subscriptions in a
minute if there were any alternative. It is still about the only place
where you can learn what is going on in the community. It would be great
if we could dial in on our computer and pick up the local news. But that
is some time away. Or is it? The Lewiston Morning Tribune used to
actually compete with the Idahonian for Moscow and Pullman news. Now
they are both owned by the same chain and real competition is gone.
Anyway, it might be fun to explore possible alternatives and
collectively we might be able at least to do something about improving the
quality of what we have. Maybe we need a Moscow-Pullman Coalition for a
Better Newspaper. It might get someone's attention.

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