Filing or candidates runs from Sept. 28 to Oct. 9. A candidate must be a
resident of the city for 30 days prior to election and present the signatures
of 40 registered voters on a nominating petition. A campaign treasurer also
needs to be named at the time of filing. Most candidates typically announce
in mid-September and campaign for about 6 weeks.
If anyone on the 2020 list is interested in running, or if you know anyone
interested in planning and growth issues who is considering becoming a
candidate, please let me know. A meeting of prospective candidates will
be organized sometime in the next 2 weeks (not sponsored by Vision 2020).
The salary is $425 a month, rising to $450 in January.
The mayor's position isn't up until 1997. Council positions held by
Larry Hodge, Linda Pall and Tony Johnson will be up in '97.
If you'd like more information on duties and time commitment of council
members, contact me at or write to