Just like the bureaucrat at wazzu, I pushed the wrong button and the message
went out to the whole list. I guess I should send out a dirty joke now that
I am in trouble.
I don't get involved in ESA discussions. I just tapped out what I would
have said if I didn't have to take responsibility for it.
Then, I clicked in the wrong place. Sorry.
>> A few thoughts on the endangered species issue.
>> 1. If you believe in evolution, then you also believe that new
>>species evolve continually as the situations in which they live
>>change. That process has been going on since the earth was "created."
>So, let me guess...
>It's no big loss if a species goes extinct, because a new one will evolve to
>fill the ecological nice that has been created by the new circumstances.
>Furthermore, good ridance to old baggage.
>That old useless species that went extinct just didn't have it to survive
>anyhow. The new condition on our planet is industrial economics and you'd
>just better evolve to fit in. Learn to turn a buck or parasitize industrial
>society. Otherwise, tough luck.
>Do I have it right?