Linear Park Open House

Linear Park Open House
Mon, 22 May 1995 13:46:39 -0400

The City of Moscow's Linear Park Task Force is hosting an open house on
Thursday, May 25th, to gather public input on a conceptual path master plan
and a potential pilot project. The open house, which is a follow up to a
highly successful meeting held by the Task Force in April, will be held from
5 p.m. till 7 p.m. in the City Council Chambers on the second floor of City
Hall. Residents of Moscow and the surrounding area, university students,
community groups, and all other interested parties are invited to stop in for
any amount of time and contribute their ideas and suggestions. Door prizes
will be awarded and refreshments served.

The Linear Park Task Force was appointed by Mayor Agidius in May of 1994 to
create a master plan for linear park connections in Moscow and develop a
proposal for a pilot project. The Task Force held its first public planning
session in April which was attended by more than sixty people. At that
meeting, participants confirmed Paradise Creek as the focus of the linear
park system and suggested several potential projects.

The Task Force has developed a conceptual path plan and identified four
projects which might be feasible to implement within the next year. The group
would like public comment in refining the plan and choosing one project to
suggest to the City Council for funding in fiscal year 1996.

Anyone who cannot attend the public meeting can call Amanda Arnold at
332-1739 (or E-mail at ARNOLDAT@AOL.COM) with their questions and comments.

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