Tell Me! How do you conserve water?

Tell Me! How do you conserve water?

Wed, 29 Mar 95 12:05 PST

Water Conservation on the Palouse requests conservation ideas and efforts
of local residents

Thanks to funding from the Pullman-Moscow Water Resource Committee, the
Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute in Moscow has been developing a
water conservation education program for the communities of Moscow and

The Water Conservation Education Program covers a wide range of topics that
relate to water use and conservation on the Palouse. The water
conservation education program will describe ways in which local residents
can reduce the amount of water they use in their homes by replacing
existing plumbing fixtures with more water efficient models, changing daily
habits to reduce water waste, and exploring drought resistant landscaping
through the use of native plants. As part of our education outreach, PCEI
will begin water conservation classes at Lena Whitmore Elementary school in
April and May.

As part of our conservation program, PCEI is requesting that local
residents send them their own water conservation ideas and how they
conserve water in their own homes. These ideas will be considered for
publication in a the water conservation brochure, How to Conserve Water in
Your Home.

Send your ideas to

Sarah Weppner
Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute

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