pam palmer....
i'm not sure if you are looking for long term (set the foundation this year
for works in years to come) or short term (do it all this year) goals, so i'll
mix and match freely....
i'd like to see a committed effort to finalize and realize the bicycle path
connection between moscow and pullman along one of the existing rail
right of ways. i feel this connection is vital to showing a commitment to
alternate forms of transportation. i'm not advocating the end of
automobile travel, but a SAFE choice for residents would be fantastic.
to tie with the connection between moscow and pullman, i'd like to see
linear paths/parkways developed to connect INTRAmoscow
destinations. signs on shoulders of roads do not a complete bicycle
infrastructure make.
i'd like to see bus stop/shelters/transportation hubs built in cooperation
with the ui, wsu, pullman and the commuter bus. again, decent shelters
to provide weather protection, secure bicycle parking, and and
automobile parking would encourage the use of the commuter bus.
such hubs should be located in conjunction with thought toward the
eventual creation of a light rail transportation system linking moscow,
pullman, lewiston, and clarkston. unless we are willing to duplicate the
mistakes made in other automobile-oriented sprawl cities/communities,
we ought to be serious in working towards light rail. portland's tri-met is
an excellent example of the possibilities, although it was installed too late
to prevent the sprawl in portland, it would be really special if we could
get out in front and be proactive.
how about a free bike program ala portland?
i'd like to see careful and thoughtful zoning and planning ordinances
which allow development, but which screens said development to
prevent the deterioration of the character of existing neighborhoods, and
which also extends a human-scaled, and textured character into new
neighborhoods. at the low end, this means mitigating the "biggest box
possible" trend of recent years, and at the high end, this means mitigating
the "i can out-do you" trend of recent years. as i have suggested in the
past, a study of what went wrong, and then was put right, in pasadena,
california would be worthwhile.
i'd like to see the development of neighborhood retail/commercial centers
i'd like to see planting and landscaping ordinances which would mitigate
the vast expanses of paving in the parking lots of new developments.
wal mart paid lip service to parking lot landscaping.
downtown moscow has charm because of the mixed use... retail,
residential, and commercial office... and the pedestrain orientation. i'd like
to see planning and zoning ordinances which encourage further
mixed-use development of this type. sixth street from main to the
university would be a tremendous place to start and provide a
pedestrian/retail link from university to downtown.
i'd like to see reasonable development impact fees. "reasonable" is key.
they should not be arbitrary and capricious, but they should exist to
allow new development help to shoulder the burden of infrastructure
costs caused by the development.
i'd like to see substantial landscape screening at the city treatment plant.
entering town from pullman, the plant is the first thing seen, and the
colors and combination of building types and finishes are less than
harmonious. not a gracious first impression.
just about every city and town in the country could do with
improvements such as concrete curbs and gutters, sidewalks (both new
and repair to existing), tree planting programs, pocket parks, entry and
arrival landscaping, screening, maintenance of signange, etc.
the university's lrcdp is shaping up and contains some exciting
possibilities and opportunities for city/university cooperation and the
creation of some very special environments. I'd like to see this
cooperation continue, with both entities working together.
>>> Pam Palmer <> 03/21/95 03:00pm >>>
Dear Visionaries:
There will be a half-day goal setting meeting with Moscow City Council,
city department heads and Commission chairs on April 4. We have been
asked to write down our top two goals and a brief action statement for
each goal.
I am seeking input. If you have specific thoughts on Moscow city goals
for the next year, please send me a message.
The meeting is at 9:00 a.m. at the Best Western (April 4).
Pam Palmer
Moscow City Councilmember
P.O. Box 9203
Moscow, Idaho 83843