Re: goal setting

Re: goal setting

Bill London (
Wed, 22 Mar 1995 06:54:41 -0800 (PST)

Pam--here's my quick response-
1. comprehensive regional planning. The concept surfaced as the
#1 priority at our transportation summit, and as far as I can see, has
never been addressed. Using Tom Hudson as a resource, the agencies with
citizen input (rallying the troops would be our contribution) could
finance and then even more importatn, take seriously, public imput about
the community vision of itself. I was really pleased to hear Tom Hudson
echo something I have felt for a while--that many people and groups are
moving on parallel tracks toward community planning and now its time to
intersect those tracks. (at least, I think I heard him say that--at
least I think it's true). I would like the city to take the lead and
summon the other regional governments and agencies to get this moving.
2. linear parkways. After years of lip service, I would like the
city to make a city-wide system of pathways the highest priority. Begin
purchasing/trading etc land now, zone future pathways into existence,
etc. Get the land before it is developed away.
That's my input. Freely given and worth every penny. BL

On Tue, 21 Mar 1995, Pam Palmer wrote:

> Dear Visionaries:
> There will be a half-day goal setting meeting with Moscow City Council,
> city department heads and Commission chairs on April 4. We have been asked
> to write down our top two goals and a brief action statement for each goal.
> I am seeking input. If you have specific thoughts on Moscow city goals for
> the next year, please send me a message.
> The meeting is at 9:00 a.m. at the Best Western (April 4).
> Pam
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Pam Palmer
> Moscow City Councilmember
> P.O. Box 9203
> Moscow, Idaho 83843
> 208-883-3741
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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