*meeting alert

*meeting alert

Kenton (
Tue, 21 Mar 95 11:46:25 PST

Two meetings on Wednesday that people should be aware of:

1. Latah P&Z, 7 p.m., room 2-B of the courthouse, continuation of public
hearing from March 1 on NW Public Radio's request for conditional use
permit to operate the KRFA FM transmitter on the KUID-TV antenna. (The
transmitter is already operating, so this is an after-the-fact request.)

2. Moscow P&Z, 7:30 p.m., council chamber, City Hall. At 7:40 p.m.
there will be a public hearing on the proposed "Quail Run" subdivision,
north of the Hillcrest Motel, between US 95 and the north Polk Addition.
The developer is Jim Hedberg from Coeur d'Alene. He is seeking an 83-lot
subdivision, 69 single-family and 14 for duplex lots, those closest to the
highway. There would be one acdess to the Highway and one to North Polk.
For more information, contact Dale Pernula at 883-7000. Kenton

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