The disc has one case for city growth and water supply. The scenerio has
the city addint housin and building a desalination plant to provide more
Team A supports the proposal
Team B is anti-growth, anti-taxes
Team C is pro-growth but advocates higher density housing
Team D is anti-desalination and advocates conservation.
The four teams are to develop their cases and debate the merits of the
overall proposation. This scenerio presented is not our exact problem, but
it will draw parallel issues. I could facilitate a moscow high school or jr
high school teacher who wanted to do a unit using this material, which
could be timed to coincide with the water summit.
Can folks think of another setting where this could be used? Its a bit too
advanced for grade school.
Nils Peterson, Coordinator
Center for the Development of Educational Technologies
236 Cleveland Hall
Washington State University
Pullman WA 99164-2114
Phone: office: 509/335-4851 (Voice mail usually) lab: 335-5034
Fax: 509/335-9172
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