Press Release from Kenton, Final (Fwd)

Press Release from Kenton, Final (Fwd)

Mon, 30 Jan 95 18:11 PST

Following is the final version of Kenton's press release on Vision 20/20.

Thanks, Kenton!


Jan. 26, 1995
Planning, growth are topics for on-line discussion group

Moscow Vision 2020 has established an on-line discussion group accessible
over the Internet to exchange information on regional planning, growth and
community development issues.

The discussion group, formally known a "list server," is provided with the
cooperation of University of Idaho Computer Services. It is free, open to
the public and accessible to anyone in the world with an E-mail address.
"We've taken the telephone party line and given it a high-tech spin," said
Kenton Bird of Moscow, a member of Vision 2020. "We're using the latest
technology to become informed about the public policy process, and we
invite any interested citizens to join us."

To reach citizens who do not have access to the Internet, Moscow
Vision 2020 will prepare a print-out of all messages and place them in a
notebook at the reference desk at the Moscow-Latah Public Library. The
first set of messages will be available Feb. 1 and the notebook will be
updated weekly.

"Not everyone can attend meetings of the Planning and Zoning
Commission, School Board or City Council, and not all meetings are well
publicized in advance," said Susan Palmer, another 2020 member.
"Subscribing to the service is a quick and easy way to plug into a network
of concerned citizens."

The discussion group went on line in December and already has a
dozen subscribers, most associated with UI or Washington State University.
Among the items posted on it so far are: a report on the adoption of the
Latah County comprehensive plan, agendas for public meetings and a calendar
of local events.

Here's how the process works:

* To subscribe, send an e-mail message to "" The body
of the message should state: "subscribe vision2020." First-time
subscribers will be sent a brief mission statement and explanation of how
the list works.

* The list has no moderator, so anyone may send a message to the entire
group simply by addressing it to "" Recipients may
respond directly to the sender or to the entire list. * Subscribers may
leave the list at any time by sending another message to
"" with the content "unsubscribe vision2020."

Moscow Vision 2020 is an informal, non-profit group founded in July
of 1993. Its goals include to promote creative thinking about Moscow's
future and to encourage public involvement in planning. The group recently
selected a three-member steering committee for the next six months,
consisting of Bird, Suvia Judd and Priscilla Salant, all of

The steering committee meets at 7 p.m. on the second Monday of each
month. The next meeting will be Feb. 13. The meeting's location and
agenda will be available after Feb. 6 by calling Bird at 883-3156, Judd at
882-4785 or Salant at 882-0527. More information about the computer
discussion group may be obtained from Susan Palmer at 882-5023
( or Greg Brown at 883-4565

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