Present: J. Hamilton, S. Judd, K. Bird, B. London, S. Palmer, D. Prorak, P. Sala
1. Vision 2020 meetings will be on the 2nd Monday of each month at 7 pm;
location will vary. Next meeting is Feb. 13th, 7pm.
2. Vision 2020 steering committee members will serve for 12 months and be
responsible for administrative tasks, including meeting agenda, location,
announcements, and facilitator. Members for 1995 are: S. Judd, P. Salant, K. Bi
(Jan-June) and S. Palmer (July-Dec).
3. The Vision 2020 listserv group will now be open to anyone who subscribes.
(S. Palmer would like suggestions re: people who should know about this.) K.
Bird. will write a press release to announce the open listserv. The press relea
will also include the Vision 2020 mission statement (which the group is refining
and information about listserv etiquette. We'll try to get the release out by J
4. Discussion of Vision 2020 Goals/Activities/Structure developed at the last
A. Goals:
- Plans are to rough out a 12-mon plan at the beginning of each
calendar year
- P. Salant will write and circulate the next draft of our goals stateme
avoinding jargon and keeping the integrity of people's ideas as much as possible
The draft will reflect our ideas about the kind of planning we'd like to support
Vision 2020 activities. After getting comments on the draft, P will give to K.
for press release.
- S. Palmer said we should incorporate goal of strengthening civic
participation generally (as opposed to specifically related to planning). P. Sa
will post a summary of R. Putnam's work on civic participation.
B. Activites:
- General - K. Bird will summarize this discussion and circulate.
- Specific - S. Palmer will head up, with S. Judd's help, a Vision 2020
study group on planning, growth, and other issues. Details not worked out yet.
- Specific - S. Judd and P. Salant will contact the Moscow Pullman
Daily News about running a regular (probably monthly) column on issues growth
and development issues. Purpose is to inform and stimulate public thinking on
community's future (which relates to our goal of increasing public involvement i
planning issues). We have ideas for the first three columns (500 words each), w
contact proposed authors, and bring to meeting with Firsch (sp?). Will aslo
connect with S. Cook, who originally suggested the regular column.
- Other specifics were discussed (nontraditional ways of communicating
with public; cooperation with U of I on rural communities conference; fun activi
piggy backed on to events organized by others, etc.), please see the summary tha
K. Bird writes.
- People agreed with K. Bird's idea that we should be flexible enough to
let members of the group freelance projects under the auspices of Vision 2020.
C. Structure: no additions, other than adminstrative details at the beginning o
these minutes.
5. Tentative agenda for next meeting: Specific activities (continued); evaluatio
Vision 2020's involvement in county's comp. plan; D. Peckham on transportation
committee; further discussion of goals statement.
Finally: please remember that communicating by e-mail fails if people who are
connected don't pass along information to those who aren't. It isn't a great
system, but it will have to do until we have better public access.