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Shopping at Moscow businesses


It's that time of year when people give me lists of things they want. My
tendency is to deal with the lists as efficiently as possible. In one case,
I found a retailer on-line that sold precisely the shirts my son had on his
list ... I was a nanosecond away from pushing the "buy now" shopping cart
button when I had another idea.  I visited a downtown store where I know
the owner.  While he didn't have those particular items in stock, he was
happy to order them, and I'd pay the same price as I would have on-line.

Bottom line for me -- personal and friendly service from a local business,
no extra cost, and a few more dollars in the downtown cash register. A no

Thanks to Barbara Richardson and others who have worked so hard to dress up
our downtown this Christmas.  Let the holidays begin!

Priscilla Salant 

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