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RE: Unalienable Rights...

It seems the debate is at cross-purposes, once again. In my understanding,
Tom and Don, etc.  are positing that you can support the military
_personnel_ w/out necessarily supporting the actions of the
government/military. Melynda, etc., are positing that we have the right,
and it must be supported, to voice our opposition to the actions of the
military. However, this is all getting wrapped up into a generic,
emotionalized 'PEACENIK' vs. 'MILITANT' debate which will continue ad
nauseum until another hot topic comes along for people to debate at

So, do you all agree that we should support the individual person (under
the uniform) in the military, while we can certainly question, debate and
oppose the orders they follow?

Debbie Gray

  Debbie Gray
  We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to
  have the life that is waiting for us." --Joseph Campbell

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