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Vandal football

The Vandal woes continue.  

Commentary in the Idaho Statesman by Mike Prater: 

Mike Prater: State board's indecision is hurting the Vandals
"Everybody seems to be picking on the Idaho Vandals these days, and now the
State Board of Education is taking its whacks. 
The issue is simple if you're the Vandals: They were hoping to accept an
invitation this week to become full-time members of the Sun Belt Conference.

It's not so simple if you're the state board, which wants time to explore
the financial, geographic and educational implications of such a move. 
Needless to say, there is frustration on the Moscow campus, where officials
are hinting that the state board is using power and politics to wage a
childish game of who's bigger and better."

My comment: Read the article for more details.  The State Board used to be
dominated by ex-Vandals.  I don't know what the make-up is now.   

Tom Scott of KTIK radio reports: "Only 5,462 bothered to show up for the
last [Vandal] football game (Senior Day). That put the Vandals season
average at 10,930, ranking 113th (out of 117) in Division I-A. They'll need
to have at least 15,000 per game in 2004 when the new I-A requirements go
into effect."

Jack Van Deventer 

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