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RE: Pertinent quote.

Greetings Visionaires -

To further quote Mr. Jones' reference:

"An advocate recognizes that the subject isn't really important to everyone, 
and that there are places where the subject isn't appropriate for discussion. A 
non-fanatical advocate keeps a sense of proportion, and recognizes that there 
can be shades of grey in other people's opinions. An advocate may have 
opponents but recognizes that there are neutrals, too. (A fanatic, on the other 
hand, doesn't accept this possibility.)"

You call it fanaticism.  I call it paranoia.

Take care,

Tom Hansen

-----Original Message-----
From: Ry Jones []
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 5:30 AM
Subject: Pertinent quote.

Fanatics are objectionable mostly because they're tiresome. There's a time
and place for everything. For a fanatic, now is the time and everywhere is
the place.

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