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Fw: The Progressive/Trinitarian Feud


John Danahy and others continue to pitch this discussion about tolerance in terms of some genuine mutual fear that each side is supposedly panicked about. That really hasn't been the issue at all from my corner. The fact of both groups existing peacefully should be a given. But that's not the issue. My initial question simply pointed out a standard discrepancy in progressivism that also shows up in MCA's mission statement (namely, the conflict between the general claim of inclusivity while really being principled and understandable exclusivists, like everyone else in the universe). It was a question for dialogue, not fear. The people of MCA that I know are grand and gracious folks; I'm glad they're organizing so we can talk more. People can argue about the theory of local tolerance without actual worries (this isn't Canada after all). This is "Vision" 2020, and we're discussing the appropriateness of various visions for Moscow. To dismiss it as some loopy "feud" misses the point.
Doug Jones

And they argue about tolerance?


The fact that both groups exist at all is an example of how our society is tolerant of diversity.  To celebrate that diversity is to allow the out-sourcing of opinions without rancor, belittlement, or swearing.  Perhaps we all have a long way to go yet before our celebration can truly begin.



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