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FW: Skateboard Park Funding

FYI Community members - If additional resources are needed for the Moscow
Skateboard Park (or if another area is interested in building one), the
Tony Hawk Foundation looks like a good source of funding.  Marci


Tony Hawk Foundation Offers Funding for Skateboard Parks

Deadline: March 1, 2003

Established by professional skateboarder Tony Hawk, the nonprofit Tony
Hawk Foundation works to promote high- quality, public skateparks in
low-income areas throughout the United States.

Through its grant program, the foundation seeks to fund the construction
of skateparks that are designed and built by qualified and experienced
skatepark contractors; include local skaters in the design process; are
in low- income areas, or areas with a high population of "at-risk"
youth; can demonstrate grassroots commitment to the project; have a
creative mix of street obstacles and transition/vert terrain; do not
require skaters or their parents to sign waivers; encourage skaters to
look after their own safety and the safety of others; are open during
daylight hours throughout the year; are free of charge; and are in areas
that currently have no skateboarding facilities.

Grant amounts range from $5,000 to $25,000. To be eligible, applicants
must be a 501(c)(3) public charity or a state or local agency (including
public school systems or public projects). The foundation also will
consider assisting start-up organizations.

The foundation expects to approve grant requests

quarterly. See the foundation Web site for complete application
procedures and to download an application form.

RFP Link:  <>

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