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Announcement Error + "Excuse me!"

      In this week's regular announcement concerning
guests/topics on Moscow Morning Views, I mistakenly
gave Tim Hillebrand the title of "Librarian."
      While Tim H. good-naturedly informed me that he
had been called much worse things in his time, he is
in fact NOT a librarian. 
      Mr. Hillebrand is instead a retired archeologist
who is active on several library boards at the state
and local levels. 
      I was unable to correct the mistake prior to the
      The mistake was mine alone and I apologize for
any confusion it may have caused.
> -------Original Message-------
> From: Tim Lohrmann
> Date: Saturday, November 23, 2002 12:11:42
> To:
> Subject: Talk Show 11/24/02: E-Books/Tim Hillebrand
> Visionaries,
> On Sunday 11/24/02 MOSCOW MORNING VIEWS, a talk
> show on KUOI 89.3 FM in Moscow(web audio on
> will feature the following guests:
> --In the first hour we'll have open phone lines
> and a discussion of local/national issues.
> --In the second hour (10-11 am) Tim Hillebrand,
> librarian and author of a recent article in PocketPC
> Magazine, will be on to discuss the local E-Book
> program. 
> MOSCOW MORNING VIEWS is aired live every Sunday
> Morning from 9-11 am on KUOI 89.3 FM and streamed
> live
> on the internet on KUOI's website(
> Call in phone #'s: 885-6392 or 885-6392
> Anyone with comments, questions or suggestions for
> guests can send e-mail to:

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