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Re: Moscow Civic Association

repeating the same question does not make either you or that question appear
any smarter.
Human associations have purposes/missions/goals.  People who voluntarily join
such associations subscribe to those goals (unless of course, their purpose is
to subvert and raise havoc).
Satanists do not join Christian churches.  Vegetarians do not join hunting
The Moscow Civic Association advocates a progressive view of Moscow's future.
Of course, there will be disagreement on the specifics among those who choose
to join the group. But, yes, I would assume that people who join MCA (and who
join to support it--not to destroy it through internal squabbling) would share
that progressive outlook.
More about the MCA in the future.
The first public meeting for the organization is scheduled for Tuesday,
December 3, 7pm at the 1912 building.

ben merkle wrote:

> I asked the question a bit ago and was wondering if there is an answer yet.
> Does the new Moscow Civic Association have a statement of faith that one
> must subscribe to in order to participate or is the Association open to all
> of the different worldviews represented in our fine town?
> Ben Merkle

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