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1) compost, 2) KUID program note

I'd like to second Bill London's mention of the free compost at the transfer 
station. We filled a couple of large containers and plan to go back for more. 
The compost is better than I expected and far superior to that light stuff sold 
in packages. We also give our endorsement to Latah Sanitation for providing 
this service.

Now, the program note for those of you who don't get a KUID television 
schedule (or may not notice it). On Thursday, June 28th at 7PM our time 
(repeating Sunday, July 1st at 6PM), there will be a program on Outdoor 
Idaho called "Down on the Farm" and will feature Jacie and Wayne Jensen 
who farm between Moscow and Genesee. They are stewards of the land, 
practice conservation farming, and a couple of years ago were Idaho's 
Conservation Farmer of the Year. They not only believe in what they do, but 
they give tours to groups and schoolchildren from the area. Don't miss this 
Joan Klingler

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